Rick Ransom, SE, CE
Principal/President Emeritus
Rick holds a Bachelor of Science Degree in Civil Engineering from California State University, Fresno and has been with the firm since 1983. Prior to joining W.M. Brooks, Inc. in 1983, Rick was Chief Structural Engineer and Deputy Director of Public Works for the City of Fresno, where he was responsible for the operation of the Structural Plan Check Division and the 65-member Inspection Division. Rick was appointed Vice President at W.M. Brooks, Inc. in 1985. The company became Brooks Ransom Associates in 1993, with Rick assuming the role of President in 1995. He currently manages the business, while maintaining close contact with many clients.
Rick has expert knowledge in various building codes and an immense variety of building materials and types. His knowledge of building materials spans all those commonly used since 1900, which enables him to hit the ground running for both retrofit and new building projects. Rick provides key leadership to a design team by quickly visualizing systems and isolating concerns in order to move toward appropriate and economical design solutions in the early stages of a project. Having begun his career as part of a major building department, he is able to anticipate and incorporate the requirements of regulatory agencies well in advance of design document submittal.
While Rick has done extensive design work in all areas of practice within the firm, he has more recently focused on the seismic study of grandstands, forensic investigation and reporting, expert witness, and analysis and design for retrofit of historic structures. Rick is known by his clients to be the engineer-of-choice for specialized projects and difficult structural systems.